What Is Sports Hernia Surgery and How Can It Help You?

If you’re a fan of high-impact sports, you may be familiar with the term “sports hernia.” But what is sports hernia surgery? And how can it help you?

In this blog post, we’ll explore what a sports hernia is, what causes it, and how sports hernia surgery can help. We’ll also provide some tips on how to prevent a sports hernia from happening in the first place.

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A sports hernia is a type of injury that commonly occurs in athletes. It is a tear in the muscles or tendons in the groin area. This can cause severe pain and make it difficult to participate in sports or other physical activities. If you have a sports hernia, you may be considering surgery to repair the damage.

What is a sports hernia?

A sports hernia is a tear or rupture of any tissue in the lower abdomen or groin. This injury is most common in athletes, especially those who play soccer, football, hockey, and baseball. A sports hernia can cause severe pain in the lower abdomen or groin that gets worse with activity. The only way to treat a sports hernia is with surgery.

What are the symptoms of a sports hernia?

Most commonly, patients report pain in the lower abdomen or groin region that affects their ability to perform daily activities, participate in sports, or exercise. The pain is generally described as a pulling or stabbing sensation. In some cases, the pain may radiate down the inner thigh or up into the lower back. Patients often have trouble pinpointing the exact location of the pain because it may vary depending on their activity level or position. These symptoms are usually aggravated by physical activity and relieved by rest.

How is a sports hernia diagnosed?

A physical examination by a doctor is usually the first step in diagnosing a sports hernia. The doctor will feel for tenderness in the groin area and may ask the patient to cough or perform a jumping motion to see if this causes pain. In some cases, an MRI or ultrasound may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis.


Sports hernia surgery is a type of operation that is performed to repair a tear in the lower abdomen. This tear can cause pain in the groin area and is often associated with athletes who participate in sports that involve a lot of running, such as soccer, hockey, and tennis. The surgery is typically done as an outpatient procedure, meaning the patient does not have to stay in the hospital overnight.

Rest and ice

The first step in treating a sports hernia is to rest and ice the affected area. This will help reduce inflammation and pain. You may also want to take over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. If your pain is severe, your doctor may prescribe stronger medication.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy is an important part of the healing process after sports hernia surgery. It can help you regain your strength and flexibility and get you back to your normal activities as soon as possible.

Your physical therapist will design a custom rehabilitation program for you, based on the extent of your injury and your goals for recovery. The first few weeks after surgery, your physical therapist will focus on helping you reduce pain and swelling. They will also work with you to improve your range of motion and prevent stiffness in your scar tissue.

As you continue to heal, your physical therapist will help you gradually increase your activity level. They will also teach you exercises to improve your core strength and prevent future injuries.


Sports hernia surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that can help treat the pain and discomfort associated with a sports hernia. A sports hernia is a condition that occurs when there is a tear in the muscles or tendons in the groin area. This can cause pain and discomfort, and make it difficult to participate in activities or exercise.

Sports hernia surgery involves making a small incision in the groin area so that the surgeon can access the affected muscles and tendons. The surgeon will then repair the tear and reinforce the area with stitches or surgical tape. This procedure can usually be done on an outpatient basis, which means you will be able to go home the same day as your surgery.

After your surgery, you will likely need to take it easy for a few days. You may need to take pain medication and avoid strenuous activity. You should also avoid lifting heavy objects or participating in activities that put strain on your groin area. Most people recover from sports hernia surgery without any complications and are able to return to their normal activities within a few weeks.


Sports hernia surgery is a type of surgery that is used to repair a tear in the tissue that surrounds the groin. This type of surgery is typically done on athletes who have a tear in their groin that is causing pain and/or weakness.

What to expect after surgery

After surgery, you will likely feel some pain and discomfort. Your doctor will prescribe medication to help ease this. You will also have drains in place to help remove any excess fluid. These will be removed a few days after surgery.

You will need to rest and avoid any strenuous activity for at least six weeks. After that, you can slowly start to increase your activity level. It is important to not push yourself too hard too soon. If you do, you risk damaging the repair and requiring additional surgery.

Most people make a full recovery within three to six months.

Physical therapy

After surgery, you will likely need to go through physical therapy to help you recover. Physical therapy can help you regain strength in your core and improve your range of motion. You may also need to wear a special compression garment for a period of time after surgery.

Return to activity

Recovery from sports hernia surgery typically takes 4-6 weeks. During this time, it is important to avoid activities that put stress on the surgically repaired area. Once you have healed and returned to full activity, you should be able to participate in all of your previous activities without pain or restriction.

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