What Percentage of Teens Play Sports?

According to a recent study, only a minority of teenagers are playing sports. So what percentage of teens play sports?

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Around 37 percent of high school students play sports, according to the National Federation of State High School Associations. This number has stayed relatively stable over the past few years, although there has been a slight decline in the percentage of students participating in team sports. Boys are more likely than girls to play sports, and white students are more likely than black or Hispanic students to participate. Participation rates also vary by region, with students in the Northeast and West less likely to play sports than those in the South and Midwest.

Teens and Sports Participation

It is widely believed that a large percentage of teens participate in sports, but what is the actual percentage? According to a recent study, only about 20 percent of teens between the ages of 13 and 18 play sports on a team outside of school. This number has been declining in recent years.

Team sports

Team sports are a great way for teens to stay active, socialize, and have fun. But what percentage of teens actually play team sports?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a clear answer. According to the website Play for Change, “there is no definite answer as to what percentage of young people play sport. This is because different surveys measure participation in different ways and use different age ranges.”

However, we can look at some of the available data to get a general idea. The website MomsTeam reports that, according to the 2013 Youth Sports Survey conducted by the Sports & Fitness Industry Association, “44.5 percent of children ages 6-12 and 37.7 percent of teenagers ages 13-17 participate in team sports outside of school participation.”

So based on these numbers, it seems that around 40% of teens play team sports. But it’s important to keep in mind that this number could be higher or lower, depending on how participation is defined and which age group is being surveyed.

Individual sports

Despite the benefits of team sports, many teens choose to participate in individual sports. Some of the most popular individual sports among teens include running, tennis, golf, swimming, and cycling.

Running is one of the most accessible and affordable sports for teens. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and you can participate in any number of running events, from short distances to marathons. Tennis is another popular individual sport among teens. It requires use of a racket and a ball, and can be played indoors or outdoors. Golf is another sport that can be enjoyed by individuals or teams; it just requires a set of clubs and access to a course. Swimming is another great option for individual or team play; it’s a great workout and can be enjoyed all year round. And finally, cycling is an enjoyable way to explore your surroundings while getting some exercise.

Factors Affecting Teens’ Participation in Sports

Many factors affect how often teens participate in sports. Among them are parental pressure, regional factors, and the presence of a coach or other support system. Cost can also be a prohibitive factor, especially when pay-to-play models are in place. But among the most important factor is the teen’s own interest in the sport.

Time commitment

The time commitment required for sports participation can be a significant barrier for some teens. Practices, games, and other team activities can take up several hours after school or on weekends. This can interfere with homework, social activities, and family time. For many teens, the time commitment is simply too high.


One reason that fewer teens are playing sports is because the cost of playing has increased. In order to play on a competitive travel team, for example, parents often have to pay for expensive membership fees and equipment. The cost of playing sports can also deter teens from getting involved in the first place.

Skill level

One of the main factors that affects teens’ participation in sports is their skill level. Teens who are more skilled and have a higher level of ability are more likely to participate in sports. This is because they are more likely to be successful and to enjoy the experience. Teens who are less skilled or who have a lower level of ability may be less likely to participate in sports. This is because they may not be as successful or they may not enjoy the experience as much.


The percentage of teenagers who play sports varies greatly depending on the source of the data. However, it is clear that a significant minority of teens do play sports regularly. This may be due to the many benefits that playing sports can offer, such as improved physical health, teamwork skills, and social interaction.

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