What Sports Require Mouthguards?

Mouthguards are an important piece of safety gear for many athletes. But what sports require mouthguards? Here’s a look at some of the most popular sports that mandate or recommend mouthguards for participants.

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Why Mouthguards Are Important

Mouthguards are important for a number of reasons. They can help to protect your teeth from being damaged, and they can also help to protect your gums and soft tissues in your mouth. Mouthguards can also help to reduce the risk of concussion.

Protects teeth from being knocked out

Mouthguards are important dental protective devices that cover the teeth and gums to prevent injuries to the mouth. They are commonly used in contact sports such as football, hockey, lacrosse, and boxing, as well as in non-contact sports where there is a risk of flying objects, such as baseball and basketball.

Mouthguards can protect teeth from being broken or knocked out. They can also help to reduce the severity of concussions by absorbing some of the impact. While mouthguards are not required in all sports, they are strongly recommended for any activity where there is a risk of injury to the face or head.

There are three main types of mouthguards:
1. Stock mouthguards – These are pre-formed and ready to wear. They provide the least amount of protection and are not recommended for use in contact sports.
2. Boil-and-bite mouthguards – These need to be softened in water and then molded to fit the teeth. They provide good protection and can be custom fit to the individual’s mouth.
3. Custom-made mouthguards – These are made by a dentist or other medical professional and provide the best level of protection. They are often required for athletes who participate in contact sports such as football or hockey.

No matter what type of mouthguard you choose, it is important that it fits properly. A poorly fitting mouthguard can actually do more harm than good by interfering with breathing or impairing vision. If you have any questions about choosing or fitting a mouthguard, talk to your dentist or another medical professional who specializes in sports medicine

Prevents cuts and bruises on the lips

Mouthguards can protect your child’s teeth from getting broken or knocked out. They also help to prevent cuts and bruises on the lips. A good mouthguard should be comfortable to wear, easy to breathe through, and not make it difficult to talk. It is important to make sure that the mouthguard stays in place while your child is wearing it.

Reduces the risk of concussion

Mouthguards are designed to protect your teeth, lips, tongue, and other soft tissues of the mouth from injuries. They can also reduce the risk of concussion by absorbing some of the shock if you receive a blow to the face.

There are three types of mouthguards:
-Stock mouthguards: These are preformed and ready to wear. They’re the least expensive, but they’re also the least comfortable and don’t fit as well as custom or boil-and-bite mouthguards.
-Boil-and-bite mouthguards: These must be softened in water, then formed to fit your teeth by biting down on them. They provide a better fit than stock mouthguards, but they may not fit as well as custom mouthguards.
-Custom mouthguards: These are made from an imprint of your teeth and provide the best fit, comfort, and protection. They’re more expensive than stock or boil-and-bite mouthguards, but they’re worth the investment if you can afford them.

Mouthguards are required for many sports, including football, hockey, lacrosse, basketball, soccer, and even including non-contact sports such as baseball and skateboarding. If you play any of these sports—or any sport where there is a risk of being hit in the face—be sure to wear a properly fitted mouthguard to help protect your smile.

Which Sports Require Mouthguards?

Mouthguards are an important part of safety gear for many sports. They help to protect the teeth and mouth from injury. Some sports that require mouthguards are football, hockey, boxing, and lacrosse.


Wearing a mouthguard while playing football can help protect your teeth and gums from injury. A mouthguard will also help to absorb any impact to the face if you are involved in a collision with another player or object. football, it is compulsory for all players to wear a mouthguard at all times during training and matches. In some cases, players may be required to wear a gum shield that covers the teeth and gums completely.


Landing on another player, or taking an elbow to the face are all possibilities in a game of basketball. As a result, the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that all players wear mouthguards while playing. Not only do mouthguards protect your teeth from being knocked out, but they also help to prevent concussions by absorbing some of the impact from a hit to the jaw.


Rugby is a collision sport that, like football, requires the use of mouthguards to protect players’ teeth.

Mouthguards should be worn by all players in all training sessions and games. They should be comfortable, well-fitting and not interfere with normal breathing or speech.

Mouthguards should be replaced regularly, as they will become worn out with use. If a mouthguard is not comfortable or is causing problems with breathing or speech, it is likely that it does not fit correctly and should be replaced.


Lacrosse is a contact sport played with two teams of ten players each. The game is played with a small, hard ball and a long-handled stick called a crosse or lacrosse stick. The stick is used to catch, carry, and pass the ball. Players wear gloves, helmets, shoulder pads, and elbow pads.

Mouthguards are not required in lacrosse, but they are strongly recommended. Lacrosse is a fast-paced sport with a lot of contact. Mouthguards can help protect your teeth and mouth from injuries.

Field hockey

Wearing a mouthguard can greatly reduce the risk of concussion and dental injuries, so it’s important to wear one whenever you play a sport where there is potential for contact. Here is a list of some common sports that require mouthguards, according to the American Dental Association:

• Acrobatics
• Basketball
• Boxing
• Equestrian events
• Field hockey
• Football
• Gymnastics
• Handball
• Ice hockey
• In-line skating
• Lacrosse
• Martial arts
• Rugby
• Skateboarding
• Skiing
Most organized sports leagues require mouthguards, so be sure to check with your child’s coach before the season starts. And make sure you buy a mouthguard that fits properly — it should be comfortable and easy to breathe while wearing.


While boxing is not as dangerous as some other contact sports, there is still a risk of injury to the teeth and mouth. For this reason, all boxers are required to wear mouthguards. There are three main types of mouthguards:
-Stock mouthguards: These are preformed and ready to wear. They offer the least amount of protection and are not recommended for competitive boxing.
-Boil-and-bite mouthguards: These are made from thermoplastic material that you soften in boiling water and then bite into to form a custom fit. They offer more protection than stock mouthguards but may be less comfortable.
-Custom-made mouthguards: These are made from impressions of your teeth and gums by a dentist or other dental professional. They offer the most protection and comfort but can be costly.

How to Choose the Right Mouthguard

Sports mouthguards are an important part of any athlete’s gear. They protect your teeth and lips from injury, and can help to prevent concussions. There are a few different types of mouthguards, and it’s important to choose the right one for the sport you’re playing. Here’s a look at some of the most popular sports and the mouthguards that are best for them.

Custom-fit or boil-and-bite

Mouthguards come in two main varieties: custom-fit and boil-and-bite. As the name implies, custom-fit mouthguards are made to order by your dentist, using an impression of your teeth. Boil-and-bite mouthguards can be bought at most sporting goods stores and come in a pre-formed shape that you can mold to your teeth at home using boiling water.

So which type of mouthguard is right for you? It really depends on your individual needs and preferences. Here are some things to keep in mind when making your decision:

· Custom-fit mouthguards are more expensive than boil-and-bite, but they offer a superior fit, greater comfort and better protection.

· Boil-and-bite mouthguards are more convenient than custom-fit and can be easily molded at home. However, they may not provide as good of a fit or as much protection as custom-fit guards.

· If you wear braces or have other dental appliances, you will need to get a custom-fit mouthguard. Boil-and-bite guards will not fit properly over braces or other dental appliances.

· If you have a history of tooth grinding (bruxism), you may want to consider getting a custom nightguard made by your dentist. Nightguards are specialized mouthguards that are worn while you sleep to prevent damage from tooth grinding.

Level of protection

Mouthguards come in three different levels of protection, depending on the sport you play:

-Stock mouthguards: These are the least expensive and offer the least amount of protection. They’re preformed and ready to wear, but they’re not as comfortable as other types of mouthguards and can make it difficult to breathe and speak. They’re also more likely to come loose during play. Stock mouthguards are only recommended for limited contact sports, such as Flag Football or Handball.

-Boil-and-bite mouthguards: These offer more protection than stock mouthguards and are more comfortable to wear because they’re made to fit your teeth. Boil-and-bite mouthguards come in a generic form that you have to mold to your teeth using hot water. They’re not as good a fit as custom-made mouthguards, but they’re more affordable. Boil-and-bite mouthguards are recommended for sports such as Basketball, Field Hockey, Lacrosse, Skateboarding, and Tennis.

-Custom-made mouthguards: As the name implies, these mouthguards are made specifically for your teeth and provide the best fit and highest level of protection. They’re also the most comfortable to wear because they don’t restrict breathing or speaking like other types of mouthguards. Custom-made mouthguards are recommended for high contact sports such as Boxing, Football, Ice Hockey, Lacrosse, Martial Arts, Rugby, Skiing, Snowboarding, Soccer, Water Polo, and Wrestling.


One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a mouthguard is comfort. If you’re not comfortable wearing it, you probably won’t wear it, which defeats the purpose. Look for a mouthguard that is soft and pliable so it will conform to your teeth and gums. If you have braces, you’ll need a special mouthguard that can be fitted over them.

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